

Floating action button

The Floating action button is a Material Design component that displays a circular button. It is normally displayed in the lower right corner and is used to represent the primary action of the app.

It is displayed using the VOnsFab component. To specify the position the position prop is used. To put an icon inside the button the VOnsIcon component can be used.

<v-ons-fab position='bottom right'>
  <v-ons-icon icon="md-face"></v-ons-icon>

In order to show or hide VOnsFab, the visible prop must be used.


名前 型 / デフォルト値 概要
disabled Boolean ボタンを無効化する場合は指定します。 Optional.
modifier String ボタンの表現を指定します。 Optional.
position String The position of the button. Should be a string like "bottom right" or "top left". If this attribute is not defined it will be displayed as an inline component. (翻訳中) Optional.
ripple Boolean If this attribute is defined, the button will have a ripple effect when tapped. (翻訳中) Optional.
visible Boolean Specify the visibility of the component. (翻訳中) Optional.
Name 概要
mini Makes the ons-fab smaller. (翻訳中)


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