<Segment />


<Segment modifier="material">
 <button>Label 1</button>
 <button>Label 2</button>
 <button>Label 3</button>
名前 型 / デフォルト値 概要
activeIndex number The index of the button to highlight. (翻訳中) Optional.
index number DEPRECATED! Use activeIndex instead. (翻訳中) Optional.
tabbarId string ID of the <Tabbar> to “connect” to the segment. (翻訳中) Optional.
modifier string The appearance of the segment. (翻訳中) Optional.
onPostChange func Called after the active button changes. (翻訳中) Optional.
disabled bool Specifies whether the segment should be disabled. (翻訳中) Optional.
Name 概要
material Material Design segment (翻訳中)


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