<SpeedDial disabled={false} direction='right' onClick={() => console.log('test1')} position='left bottom'>
<Icon icon='fa-twitter' size={26} fixedWidth={false} style={{verticalAlign: 'middle'}} />
<SpeedDialItem onClick={() => console.log('speed A')}> A </SpeedDialItem>
<SpeedDialItem onClick={() => console.log('speed B')}> B </SpeedDialItem>
<SpeedDialItem onClick={() => console.log('speed C')}> C </SpeedDialItem>
<SpeedDialItem onClick={() => console.log('speed D')}> D </SpeedDialItem>
名前 | 型 / デフォルト値 | 概要 |
modifier | string | The appearance of the speed dial. (翻訳中) Optional. |
position | string |
Specify the vertical and horizontal position of the component. I.e. to display it in the top right corner specify “right top”. Choose from “right”, “left”, “top” and “bottom”. (翻訳中) Optional. |
direction | enum | Specify the direction the items are displayed. Possible values are “up”, “down”, “left” and “right”. (翻訳中) Optional. |
disabled | bool | Specify if button should be disabled. (翻訳中) Optional. |
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