

Going back

The VOnsBackButton component can be used to display a back button in the navigation bar. By default, this component automatically finds its parent VOnsNavigator component and pops a page when pressed. However, this default behavior can be overriden by running event.preventDefault in a click handler (or using Vue’s .prevent shorthand modifier):

<v-ons-back-button @click.prevent="pageStack = [pageStack[0]]"></v-ons-back-button>

The previous code resets the pageStack to its first page instance instead of popping 1 single page. It assumes pageStack variable exists in the current context.


名前 型 / デフォルト値 概要
modifier String バックボタンの見た目を指定します。 Optional.
Name 概要
material Material Design style (翻訳中)
名前 概要
click Normal click event. Useful to modify the component default action (pop 1 page). (翻訳中)

Normal click event. Useful to modify the component default action (pop 1 page). (翻訳中)

名前 概要
event Object Event object. (翻訳中)
event.preventDefault Function Avoids the default behavior. (翻訳中)


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