The VOnsNavigator
is a component that provides stack based navigation. It is a very common navigation pattern in mobile apps. After pushing a page to the top of the stack, it will be displayed using transition animation. When the user goes back to the previous page the top page will be popped from the top of the stack and hidden with a corresponding transition animation.
An array of VOnsPage
components must be passed as a prop to VOnsNavigator
<v-ons-navigator v-model:page-stack="[p1, p2, p3]"></v-ons-navigator>
Whenever the page stack is modified, VOnsNavigator
will perform the corresponding transition. Pushing or popping multiple pages at once is allowed, although only 1 animation will be performed.
Any action will throw corresponding prepush
, postpush
, prepop
and postpop
The page stack can be modified by assigning it a new value (pageStack = [...pageStack, newPage]
). Array mutation methods, which mutate the prop without assigning it a new value, (push
, pop
, splice
…) are not allowed. Instead assign the pack stack a new value. For example, to pop a page, instead of using pageStack.pop()
, use pageStack = pageStack.slice(0, -1)
The navigator keeps its own internal view of the page stack, so use v-model:page-stack
to keep the page stack prop in sync.
In order to push a new page from the current one (sibling pages), pages must have access to the stack array as well. There are many ways to achieve this sort of component communication in Vue. First one, we can define custom actions as event listeners:
<v-ons-navigator :page-stack="pageStack"
@push-page="pageStack = [...pageStack, $event]"
@replace-page="pageStack = [...pageStack.slice(0, -1), $event]"
sets custom listeners (i.e. anything except @prepush
, @postpush
, @prepop
and @postpop
) directly to its child pages. This way, you can name your events however you like and do any action you want. With the previous example, we can push a new page from any existing page as follows:
// import newPage from ...
this.$emit('push-page', newPage);
Navigator’s pages are sibling elements, which means that communication among them in Vue is fairly challenging. Pinia is a good solution for this, but not the only one. When you push a new page component and want to add some initial data, you can simply extend it and let Vue merge the new data
prop with the original one in newPage
this.$emit('push-page', {
extends: newPage,
data() {
myCustomDataHere: 42
Alternatively, we can also pass props to the pages through the onsNavigatorProps
this.$emit('push-page', {
...newPage, // Or 'extends: newPage'
onsNavigatorProps: {
myCustomPropHere: 42,
// ...
Any props passed using onsNavigatorProps
must be defined using props
on the extended page, or they will not be available. For example, newPage
as used above might look like this:
const newPage = {
name: 'newPage',
template: `<v-ons-page>{{myCustomPropHere}}</v-ons-page>`,
props: {
myCustomPropHere: {
type: Number,
required: true
In order to pass data back to the previous page, we can either use Pinia, or simply pass a function that modifies the corresponding context. If page A pushes page B, it can send a function as a prop or data (mentioned above) that modifies page A’s context. This way, whenever we want to send anything to page A from page B, the latter just needs to call the function and pass some arguments:
// Page A
this.$emit('push-page', {
extends: pageB,
onsNavigatorProps: {
passDataBack(data) {
this.dataFromPageB = data;
There are several animations available for VOnsNavigator
component. It can be specified with the animation
prop. Available animations are slide
, lift
and fade
. Setting the property to none
will make the transition instantly.
It is also possible to customize the duration, delay and timing function of the animation using the animationOptions
:animationOptions="{duration: 0.2, timing: 'ease-in'}"
The same options can be passed through the onsNavigatorOptions
property when pushing pages in order to modify only specific pages:
this.$emit('push-page', {
extends: newPage,
onsNavigatorOptions: {
animation: 'lift',
animationOptions: { duration: 0.5 }
For iOS’ “swipe to pop” feature, add the swipeable
prop. Note that this behavior only works with animations that support this feature, such as slide-ios
(default slide animation on iOS).
The VOnsBackButton
component can be used to display a back button in the navigation bar. By default, this component automatically finds its parent VOnsNavigator
component and pops a page when pressed. However, this default behavior can be overriden by running event.preventDefault
in a click handler (or using Vue’s .prevent
shorthand modifier):
@click.prevent="pageStack = [pageStack[0]]"
The previous code resets the pageStack to its first page instead of popping 1 single page. It assumes pageStack
variable exists in the current context.
名前 | 型 / デフォルト値 | 概要 |
animation | String |
Animation name. Available animations are |
animationOptions | Expression |
アニメーション時のduration, timing, delayをオブジェクトリテラルで指定します。e.g. {duration: 0.2, delay: 1, timing: 'ease-in'}
page | ナビゲーターが初期化された時に表示するページを指定します。 Optional. | |
pageStack | Array |
Array of VOnsPage components that represents VOnsNavigator page stack.
swipeable | Boolean | Enable iOS “swipe to pop” feature. (翻訳中) Optional. |
swipeTargetWidth | String | スワイプの判定領域をピクセル単位で指定します。画面の端から指定した距離に達するとページが表示されます。 Optional. |
swipeThreshold | Number |
Specify how much the page needs to be swiped before popping. A value between 0 and 1 .
名前 | 概要 |
prepush | pageがpushされる直前に発火されます。 |
prepop | pageがpopされる直前に発火されます。 |
postpush | pageがpushされてアニメーションが終了してから発火されます。 |
postpop | pageがpopされてアニメーションが終わった後に発火されます。 |
swipe | Fired whenever the user slides the navigator (swipe-to-pop). (翻訳中) |
update:pageStack | Fired when the page stack is updated. For compatability with v-model. (翻訳中) |
deviceBackButton |
Fired on device back button. Default behavior is popping 1 page when pageStack contains more than 1. Otherwise, calls parent handler.
名前 | 型 | 概要 |
event | Object | Event object. |
event.navigator | Object | コンポーネントのオブジェクト。 |
event.currentPage | Object | 現在のpageオブジェクト。 |
event.cancel | Function | この関数を呼び出すと、push処理がキャンセルされます。 |
名前 | 型 | 概要 |
event | Object | Event object. |
event.navigator | Object | コンポーネントのオブジェクト。 |
event.currentPage | Object | 現在のpageオブジェクト。 |
event.cancel | Function | この関数を呼び出すと、pageのpopがキャンセルされます。 |
名前 | 型 | 概要 |
event | Object | Event object. |
event.navigator | Object | コンポーネントのオブジェクト。 |
event.enterPage | Object | pushされたpageオブジェクト。 |
event.leavePage | Object | 以前のpageオブジェクト。 |
名前 | 型 | 概要 |
event | Object | Event object. |
event.navigator | Object | コンポーネントのオブジェクト。 |
event.enterPage | Object | popされて表示されるページのオブジェクト。 |
event.leavePage | Object | popされて消えるページのオブジェクト。 |
event.swipeToPop | Object | True if the pop was triggered by the user swiping to pop. (翻訳中) |
event.onsBackButton | Object | True if the pop was caused by pressing an ons-back-button. (翻訳中) |
Fired whenever the user slides the navigator (swipe-to-pop). (翻訳中)
名前 | 型 | 概要 |
event | Object | Event object. |
event.ratio | Object | Decimal ratio (0-1). (翻訳中) |
event.animationOptions | Object | (翻訳中) |
Fired when the page stack is updated. For compatability with v-model. (翻訳中)
名前 | 型 | 概要 |
Fired on device back button. Default behavior is popping 1 page when pageStack
contains more than 1. Otherwise, calls parent handler.
名前 | 型 | 概要 |
event | Object | Event object. (翻訳中) |
event.preventDefault | Function | Avoids the default behavior. (翻訳中) |
event.callParentHandler | Function | Runs the handler for the immediate parent that supports device back button. (翻訳中) |
Onsen UIに関する質問は、Stack Overflowにてonsen-uiタグを付与してください。Onsen UIチームはあなたの問題解決をお手伝いします。
バグ報告や機能要望については、GitHub Issuesに記載をお願いいたします。