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Vue 3

このセクションを読む前に、Onsen UIの基本を理解するためにGetting StartedおよびFundamentalsを読むことをお勧めします。心配しないでください、5分以上かかりません。

Onsen UIのVueバインディング(VueOnsen)は、コアWebコンポーネントをラップし、それらと対話するためのVueライクなAPIを提供するVue 3コンポーネントとディレクティブを提供します。

このガイドでは、Onsen UI + Vueのセットアップ方法と基本的な使い方を説明します。


新しいOnsen UI + Vue 3プロジェクトを作成する最も簡単な方法は、Viteを使用することです。


npm init vue@latest



Vueプロジェクトをセットアップしたら、コアOnsen UIパッケージ(onsenui)とVueバインディング(vue-onsenui)をインストールするだけです。プロジェクトのルート内で次を実行します:

npm install onsenui vue-onsenui


プロジェクトのメインファイル(通常はmain.js)内で、Onsen UIのファイルをインポートする必要があります。

// Webpack CSS import
import 'onsenui/css/onsenui.css';
import 'onsenui/css/onsen-css-components.css';

// JS import
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
import VueOnsen from 'vue-onsenui'; // これが 'onsenui' をインポートするため、別途インポートする必要はありません

const app = createApp(App);

app.use(VueOnsen); // VueOnsen をVUEのプラグインとして設定します。


import * as components from 'vue-onsenui/esm/components';

// Register all vue-onsenui components
Object.values(components).forEach(component =>
  app.component(, component));

If you want to use the UMD build instead of the ESM build, see UMD and ESM builds. When using the UMD version, there is no need to register Onsen UI components.

If you are having trouble with the setup steps, check out the example project for a complete configuration.

Hello World App

To get started, let’s create a simple Hello World application. Projects set up using the Vue CLI are single file components. This means the HTML, CSS and JS are all contained in one .vue file. The default project created by the CLI will have at least an App.vue file. Edit it to look like this.

<template id="main-page">
      <div class="center">Title</div>

    <p style="text-align: center">
      <v-ons-button @click="$ons.notification.alert('Hello World!')">
        Click me!

  /* CSS goes here */

  // Javascript goes here

Projects created with Vite come with various scripts, including one to serve the project so you can preview it in the browser.

npm run dev

Open the given URL in your browser. If you click the button, you will see an alert dialog. That’s it!

To continue from here, take a look at the Onsen UI Vue 3 Components list. For more information about Vue itself, we recommend reading the official Vue docs. If you want to know more about how the bindings work, keep reading below.


Understanding Vue Components

Onsen UI’s Vue components are simple wrappers around inner Custom Elements in most of the cases. This means that a Vue Component takes some props and translates them into DOM properties, DOM attributes or method calls for the Onsen UI core. It also listens for native events and fires the corresponding Vue events. If you inspect the DOM you will likely see a bunch of ons-* components without v-* prefix (these are real HTML elements). You can have a look at the implementation here.

Since v-ons-* components compile into ons-* DOM elements, you can use this knowledge to style your component with tag names as well. For example, if you want to style a button, you should target ons-button, not v-ons-button.

VOnsPage Compilation

v-ons-page component compiles into ons-page custom element. This element, at the same time, processes its content and filters scrollable and fixed elements. Scrollable content is moved into a special div.page__content wrapper. This behavior might create issues under some specific situations, like using v-for with asynchronous data. To avoid any possible issue, manually providing a div.content element is recommended:


  <div class="content">
    <!-- Scrollable content here -->
    <div v-for="item in asyncAjaxItems"></div>

  <!-- Fixed content here -->

See also Components Compilation section for more details about this.

The $ons object

The original ons object is not available in the global scope in Vue applications. Instead, it is provided in every Vue instance as this.$ons through Vue’s global configuration:

<v-ons-button @click="$ons.notification.alert('Hi there!')">
  Click me
Event Handling

DOM events fired by Onsen UI elements are translated into Vue events in the corresponding components. For example, v-ons-navigator can handle a postpush event with @postpush="...".

Additionally, components that are capable of handling Cordova’s backbutton event (Android’s back button), can listen for this event with @deviceBackButton handler.

<v-ons-dialog @deviceBackButton="$event.callParentHandler()"></v-ons-dialog>

More information about this event in the original Cordova-specific Features section.

Inputs and v-model

Input components in Onsen UI (such as v-ons-input or v-ons-checkbox) support Vue’s v-model directive:

<v-ons-input v-model="something"></v-ons-input>

By default, this will update on the input event. To use a different event, such as change, set the model-event prop:

<v-ons-input v-model="something" model-event="change"></v-ons-input>

This will update the model on change events instead of input (default).

UMD and ESM builds

vue-onsenui is available as two different types of builds: the UMD build and the ESM builds.

The default is the ESM build, which is the best choice for modern browsers and bundlers. The ESM build requires that you register the Onsen UI components that your app will use. This allows you to only include the components you need, which helps reduce app size.

import * as components from 'vue-onsenui/esm/components';

// Register all vue-onsenui components
Object.values(components).forEach(component =>
  app.component(, component));

If you want to use the UMD build instead of the ESM build, add the following to your vite.config.js:

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [vue()],
  resolve: {
    alias: {
      'vue-onsenui': 'vue-onsenui/dist/vue-onsenui.js'
  optimizeDeps: {
    include: ['vue-onsenui']
  build: {
    commonJsOptions: {
      include: [/vue-onsenui/]

When using the UMD build, there is no need to register Onsen UI components.

Vue Bindings FAQs

How do I set up global Onsen UI options?

The main guide describes how to disable or set some global features “right after including onsenui.js in the app”. This means that it must take effect before any component is rendered. Since the ons object is not provided globally, we need to use the $ons object at the very first possible location:

import { createApp } from 'vue';
import VueOnsen from 'vue-onsenui';

const app = createApp({
  beforeCreate() {
    this.$ons.disableAutoStyling(); // Or any other method


This way, changes take effect before any component is rendered.

How do I pass data to the next page in the navigator?

A Navigator’s pages are sibling elements, which means that communication among them in Vue is fairly challenging. Pinia is a good solution for this, but not the only one. When you push a new page component and want to add some initial data, you can simply extend it:

import nextPage from 'nextPage.vue';
// ...

  extends: nextPage,
  data() {
    return {
      myCustomDataHere: 42
Can I use Pinia with Onsen UI?

Absolutely. Pinia is a good solution for component communication. If you feel you have too many props and events, Pinia may be a good fit. For an example of Onsen UI + Vue + Pinia, see the examples app.

Upgrading from Vue 2

For most apps, upgrading from vue-onsenui for Vue 2 to vue-onsenui for Vue 3 should be a straightforward process. However, along with the changes needed to upgrade a Vue 2 project to a Vue 3 project, there are some specific vue-onsenui breaking changes that need to be accounted for.

We recommend reading through the official Vue 3 Migration Guide first for any general Vue changes unrelated to Onsen UI that you need to make.

For a full list of changes, see the CHANGELOG.

If you are getting stuck, check out the examples app for a full configuration, or the Onsen UI playground for specific examples.

Installing vue-onsenui for Vue 3

The first step is to install vue-onsenui for Vue 3. vue-onsenui v3+ is written for Vue 3, and vue-onsenui v2.x.x is for Vue 2.

To install vue-onsenui v3 and its corresponding onsenui version, run:

npm install --save vue-onsenui@latest onsenui@latest

Note that you need to have already installed Vue 3 or this command will throw an error.

Loading vue-onsenui

In Vue 2, vue-onsenui was loaded by calling Vue.use in the app’s main file (usually main.js). Vue 3 replaces the global Vue API with createApp, which creates an app instance that can be loaded with vue-onsenui.

In your app’s main file, replace Vue.use with app.use:

import { createApp } from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
import VueOnsen from 'vue-onsenui';

const app = createApp(App);
app.use(VueOnsen);          // this was previously Vue.use(VueOnsen)
Registering vue-onsenui components

vue-onsenui has two different builds: the UMD build, and the ESM build. In vue-onsenui v3, the default build switched from UMD to ESM, which is best for bundlers and modern browsers. The ESM allows you to only register the vue-onsenui components that your app will actually use, reducing app size. The UMD build automatically registers all components.

This means that when using the default vue-onsenui build, you must now register the components you want to use. To register all components, add the following to the app’s main file:

import * as components from 'vue-onsenui/esm/components';

// Register all vue-onsenui components
Object.values(components).forEach(component => app.component(, component));

To register a single component:

import VOnsButton from 'vue-onsenui/esm/components/VOnsButton';

app.component(, VOnsButton);

For more details about UMD vs ESM, see UMD and ESM builds.

Prop name changes

In vue-onsenui v3, some props had name changes. The main changes are:

For a full list of changes, see the CHANGELOG.

Keeping the page stack in sync

In vue-onsenui v2, VOnsNavigator was passed a pageStack prop which it directly manipulated. vue-onsenui v3’s navigator keeps its own internal representation of the page stack, which:

This behaviour allows VOnsNavigator to be used with v-model, which will create a two-way binding to keep the page stack prop and the internal page stack in sync. If your existing app has an instance of VOnsNavigator, just add v-model in front of the pageStack prop:

<v-ons-navigator v-model:page-stack="pageStack"></v-ons-navigator>
Manipulating the page stack

Due to changes in how watchers work in Vue 3, VOnsNavigator no longer supports changing the page stack using methods that mutate the page stack array, such as Array.prototype.push and Array.protoype.pop. Instead, the whole value of the page stack prop should be replaced using methods such as Array.prototype.slice or the spread syntax.

Vue 3 may also warn that pages pushed to the navigator were made reactive objects. You can fix this warning by wrapping components with markRaw:

import { markRaw } from 'vue';

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      pageStack: [markRaw(page1)]
Overwriting pop page behaviour

In vue-onsenui v3, the navigator’s popPage prop has been removed. This prop was used to specify what should happen when a page is popped due to user interaction, such as pressing the device back button or swiping to pop.

If you were using the popPage prop to update a mutable value, popPage can be safely removed and the mutable value will be updated with v-model:page-stack="someMutableValue".

For other use cases of popPage, you should now specify which type of user interaction to overwrite:

Lazy repeat

The vue-onsenui v3 version of VOnsLazyRepeat now requires that an object be returned by renderItem instead of a Vue instance. In most cases, this just means removing new Vue and returning the component object directly:

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      renderItem: i => ({  // The object is returned here. Before, this would have been `new Vue`.
        template: `<v-ons-list-item :index="index" :key="index">#{{ index }}</v-ons-list-item>`,
        data() {
          return {
            index: i

The value of VOnsPopover’s target prop must now be a Vue ref.

<v-ons-toolbar-button ref="myToolbarButton">Test</v-ons-toolbar-button>

<v-ons-popover :target="$refs.myToolbarButton">