

ons.modifier.add(myOnsInputElement, 'underbar');
ons.modifier.toggle(myOnsToastElement, 'custom-modifier');
シグネチャ 概要
add(element, modifier [, modifier]) Add the specified modifiers to the element if they are not already included. (翻訳中)
remove(element, modifier [, modifier]) Remove the specified modifiers from the element if they are included. (翻訳中)
contains(element, modifier) Check whether the specified modifier is included in the element. (翻訳中)
toggle(element, modifier [, force]) Toggle the specified modifier. (翻訳中)
add(element, modifier [, modifier])

Add the specified modifiers to the element if they are not already included. (翻訳中)

名前 概要
element HTMLElement Target element. (翻訳中)
modifier String Name of the modifier. (翻訳中)
remove(element, modifier [, modifier])

Remove the specified modifiers from the element if they are included. (翻訳中)

名前 概要
element HTMLElement Target element. (翻訳中)
modifier String Name of the modifier. (翻訳中)
contains(element, modifier): Boolean

Check whether the specified modifier is included in the element. (翻訳中)


名前 概要
element HTMLElement Target element. (翻訳中)
modifier String Name of the modifier. (翻訳中)
toggle(element, modifier [, force])

Toggle the specified modifier. (翻訳中)

名前 概要
element HTMLElement Target element. (翻訳中)
modifier String Name of the modifier. (翻訳中)
force String If it evaluates to true, add specified modifier value, and if it evaluates to false, remove it. (翻訳中)


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